Healing Touch- SBHC

First emotion in healing is that you should feel safe with someone Another aspect of healing is giving yourself healing a touches. In the healing touch, one of the very, very important touch is of emotion surrounds yourself with people, those who care for you, those who love you, and their emotion matters to you. […]

What will slow down healing?

In the process of healing- one of the key factors is our ENVIRONMENT When we are continuing our journey on healing. There are certain things that we get used to. And we do not think they are coming as a barrier in the process of healing. One of the key factors is your environment. Sometimes […]

Heal one step at a time!

Nobody can actually heal you but YOURSELF Nobody can actually heal you but yourself. For you to heal yourself, you have to come up with all your energy together, and in order and that energy to be together, you have to see various day-to-day activities which disperse you or distribute you in different segments. When […]

Healing Holistically!!

For holistic healing, people have been using various therapies For holistic healing, people have been using various therapies. And to name a few of them are acupuncture, acupressure, Eastern medicine, Indian medicine, and Ayurveda. Chinese herbal medicines, Reiki energy healing, crystal healing, balancing the chakras, and EFT names can be added on, and on. And […]

“Imprisoned in your attitude!”

What is an ATTITUDE? What is an ATTITUDE? We all have our attitudes, and you recognize other people by their attitudes. Attitude means you’re leaning towards something in a particular way. You think like you’re educated. You think like your teacher; you think like your culture, you think like your religion, or you think like, […]

Healing is a process!!

You heal every day from illness, injury, and ill health Healing is a term that addresses the living. And healing is an integral part of living. You heal every day from illness, injury, and ill health. You heal from losses; you heal from insults, you heal from life because life is uncertain; it does not […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Manifesting “I” is the purpose of coming to this world. I am capable of standing on my own. I am capable of proving myself. The world should know me. The truth is, I’m there, and I’ll always be there. There is nothing I cannot accomplish. My capabilities are unlimited, and I am […]

After Divorce! Gift yourself some time and love

We’re still covering the topic of divorce. And all the views I’m sharing with you are completely my, you know, uninfluenced by anybody else. It’s all my observation, having lived the life of a human being and also observed many people pushing through their life. Now, in all eventualities, divorce had happened, has happened, or […]

Marriage counseling does work!!

Marriage counseling does work!! Continue with the topic of divorce. When I mentioned divorce is a milestone, I got some comments that it is something you are not looking for. But in life’s journey, if you happen to walk and continue to walk, you end up on different milestones. And it is always a good […]

Are you being alone or lonely!!

It is important to understand the difference between being alone and feeling lonely I meet with many people, those who say that loneliness bothers them. And then being alone is a painful emotion one has to go through, I try to understand what is the difference between being alone or feeling lonely. I don’t think […]