What is stress?

Stress is one major word which we all use and that is known as one of the major causes of all the ills, one goes through all the dis-ease one goes through. It has become brought and you do not know at what stage you call it stress and at what stage it starts causing […]

Role of nutrition in healing

Nutrition and healing are two important components that go hand in hand Healing and nutrition are two important components that go together. Nutrition is not very well understood most of the time. So, many fancy foods, vitamins, supplements, powders, they have become an integral part of good nutrition and counting the calories and how many […]

Avoid confusion in life! How?

Confusion is the first step for many diseases to participate Confusion is the first step for many diseases to participate. And confusion means too many things are happening around you. Because of the number of people you are associated with or the number of work you have decided to start, and the number of life […]

Being Natural- SBHC

It is a sunny afternoon and the sun has come out after many days. Almost half of the population is out enjoying the sunlight. Oh, it’s a natural resource available in plenty and for all. It is important to be a source of energy for oneself I also enjoy being in sun, a source of […]

Follow this process

We are continuing with the process of handling the resistances that we have built up or certain things. Like we mentioned in our earlier topic about you know, your disliking for red color. How you resist red color all the time. And as a resistance for red color, you keep looking out for red color […]

What you resist, persists!

What you resist, persists!- Resistance is one more word, which we have to understand while we are on our journey of healing. Other word for that is people generally say go with the flow they tell each other just acceptance or surrender these are different expressions for the same thing. The amount you resist anything- […]

Healing is impossible, if…

This negative presence or the presence, which had been part and parcel of your life, maybe 10-12, 30-40 years, and you had been living a life of a person who becomes better and becomes worse, who is doing good, and then he’s not doing good. And then you keep falling sick, you keep going up, […]

Invalidating presence around you or making nothing of you

We are all interconnected with each other When we are living with other people, and life is very interconnected, we live together, eat together, sleep together. So very connected network, sometimes with one person. And sometimes with a group of people living in the same house named as family. So, these people, they contribute in […]

Fine prints- in the healing journey

On the journey of healing, there are some fine prints, which we sometimes ignore, to read them, and then those final prints are actually writing the whole story. And in order to become aware of those fine prints, you have to be wide awake and look closely look carefully, what is that fine print say. […]

Healing Energy- SBHC

It Is Important To Store Your Energy Within Yourself Healing also needs energy coordination. We have seen that energy is something that depletes at a very fast rate. Whether you are not well, you feel lethargic, weak, and have less energy. So, for you to have energy coordinated, you have to sit down with yourself […]