How to find happiness.

Happiness is subjective; each person goes through life differently.Yet we have perceived as having materialistic things as happiness. The more you have the happier you will be. But is that true? How many rich and successful people have said they suffer from depression, that they felt unhappy in everything? Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Cara Delevingne, Johnny Depp, Eminem, Chris Evans, Harrison Ford just a few celebrities that have admitted to suffering from depression and other mental health problems.

Vacationing for soul

Generally vacations bring cheer to everyone.Things will be different for those days no rush rush for humdrum of life. One will get up when one desires and will eat for desires. Vacation is over and one feels down because body resists to go back. It is not rejuvenated. It happens almost with everyone. Full rest was given to body and fed to it’s expectations then why this response now?

Body and You

You own a body and not the reverse.Body is made up of physical world and all the laws of physical world are applied to it. You are not part of physical world. You can not be experienced by five sensational nodes. You are an energy and follow the law of energy. You create matter, your transform into matter but you are you and you are the cause. Everything pulsates with energy.

Goals for Body are Different Than Your Goals

Body is timed. It starts at one point and end at some.As this is inevitable and has to happen in any case. It brings anxiety and feeling of loosing time at every moment. Body has goals and targets to meet. This year, this month, this week, today and every moment has to show some acomplishment to get a feeling that you exist.

Becoming a Minimalist

Becoming a minimalist is new word that is catching up.The other day I met a young man who was traveling internationally expanding his business. During the conversation he pointed out that “I am a minimalist”. The word sounded familiar but made me curious what it entails per him or for that matters for myself.

How May I Help you?

The above question is a normal expression for checking out the customer needs. Who is a customer? Is the one who buys goods or services.Why wait, if one can start by passing the help on so one’s wait will be over in no time. Starting one’s day and seeking the opportunity of finding out as to “how may I help today”?

Blessed Moments

When one is closest to one self and can express…what one feels without fear of judgement those are the blessed moments.

Gratitude, the Best Therapy

Outflow gratitude, it heals, fulfills and energizes.Many researches are being done to prove the point. You do your own research and find out if it works? If it does then insist on others to follow this too. One man can ignite the chain of gratitude and be that one man.Start chains of people habitually expressing gratitude in whole or in part to where it belongs.

Fixed Ideas

Wilderness of life requires one to come up with workable solutions. Those solutions become ideas and are passed on from one to another. Those who join later in the race for them these ideas are solid and they stick to it no matter what. Anything which becomes fixed and not flowing is matter, solid or dead. Life is always flowing it flows from one to another and continues Flow well, Flow all the time.

False Data

We live in a world of information explosion or pollution. It gets through you whether you want it or not. One does not have time to evaluate whether the information passed on can be verified. Verifications can also be bought to prove one’s point.I have attended big conferences where false data is being promoted in the best packaging possible. I have attended small family gatherings and found false data floating around.