Lemons – For Healthy Skin, Hair and Weight Loss

Lemons not only enhance the taste of many dishes it has some incredible healing and health benefits. For weight loss – drink one glass of Luke warm water with lemon juice and honey every morning on an empty stomach. For skin- rub lemon on knees and elbows to make skin smoother and lighterMix honey, turmeric, lemon juice in a bowl- apply on the face- wash with Luke warm water after ten mins for lighter skin


Will you be my valentine’ these beautiful words everyone wants to hear. But what does it actually mean? When you ask someone to be your Valentine it means that you are asking a person, the one you love the most to be yours forever.This age of social media has changed the dynamics of romance. Forever is not what it used to mean. People move on from relationships faster than ever before and yet most of us feel lonely and unloved. If something is broken you must try to fix it instead of simply throwing it away.

Anger and Depression

Anger and Depression

We all feel angry for a number of reasons, some reasons make sense some well don’t. Anger can be a good way to release negative emotions, but anything in excess usually spells disaster. Many people today face anger management problems because of a number of stressors- job, relationship, social media, road rage, substance abuse, and improper sleeping habits.

Water For Health

Water is the lifeline of all living being. Humans are made up of 75% water, and therefore one cannot stress enough about the importance of drinking water.Here is how you can use water to maintain a healthy body.

To be alone

The idea of being alone is mostly dreaded. Get together, party, events, conferences are organized so that we can sit together and learn from each other. Learn from some one more knowledgable. Have knowledge to be used in some future moment of need.It is equally important to be alone and spare some moments of loneliness for the data to be organized.

Depressed not sad

Several people today use social media to talk about how depressed they are. But depression is not merely grief; it is an illness that affects the mood regulation function of the brain. Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood. Depression is caused by a combination of several problems such as; faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

Mindfulness and Gratitude

A sense of gratitude can lead to feeling peaceful and euphoric. When we thank the universe for all that is good in life, our subconscious mind is filled with positive energy. When we stop hating our past and worrying about the future we may be able to free our minds to more passionate thoughts.

Do we belong to the universe?

Innovation and technology have touched such heights that we could never have imagined. Money, power, and beauty are what we as humans perceive as success and success is what will make us happy. But is that true? Are we happy? Even though today we have achieved the most as a species, we are one of the most depressed generations to ever live. Suicide, substance abuse, self-mutilation, homicide, terror attacks ….

The paradox of happiness

The problem with happiness is the risk of losing it. When things seem to go our way our anxious mind gives birth to the monster of overthinking. When we fall in love a little voice is always reminding us that the person could leave us at any time. That new job leaves us feeling stressed out of our mind. The A you scored in your test only adds pressure for next time.

Are you in love with an ‘Emotional Vampire’?

Being in an unhealthy relationship can be more damaging and hurtful than being alone. When a person constantly abuses; physically or emotionally, it can not only lead to mental stress but other serious health issues too. Emotional vampires are called emotional vampires because they have a tendency to drain the emotional energy out of everyone they come in contact. They feed on the emotional energy of their partners and are experts in manipulation. They are controlling, demanding and often narcissists who enjoy hurting others.