The journey of researching for this book has been eye-opening and has also helped me with my own personal problems. As a victim of a bad childhood and a recent accident, I found myself feeling anxious and depressed all the time. I felt lazy and did not wish to do any work but just sleep and watch TV. Metaphysical learning has taught me so much, and the study of lifeforce has not only benefited me but helped me develop a way to help my clients.
Life is not always rainbows and unicorns. After our millions of years as human beings on earth, we have slowly forgotten our spiritual world. Our focus on only the consequences we face in this life has led to a lot of bad karma and wrong choices. Greed and addiction are on the rise like never before. People want more and more and cannot seem to fill the deep hole in their lives. The rich want to get richer, and the knowledgeable want to read more books without ever applying that knowledge to help others.
In our race to the top, we ceased to be human. We have become robots of this physical world. We have polluted our bodies and minds just like we have polluted this planet. Unhappiness is endemic, and as the human race, we are so unhappy, dissatisfied, and fed up with living. Suicide due to depression has become so common nowadays. Young people who have so much more to live and learn are killing themselves because they are unable to regain their lost lifeforce. Cancer is yet another modern world problem, the manifestation of negative thoughts killing us slowly and painfully.
Crimes like rape and murder are also rising, and people have become so intolerant toward each other. Animal abuse is so severe that half the animals have been wiped off the planet. Why? Why have humans become like this!? Emotional suppression can lead to many mental health problems and is also the main reason for anger. When we fail to express our anger in a right and just way, it keeps accumulating and turns us into monsters.
Think about all the shootings that have wrecked the world in recent times. So many young lives lost because we have failed as human beings to learn to deal with emotional trauma. Most people who have suffered trauma at the hands of someone else are more likely to do the same. We have to learn to be more empathetic, protect the innocence of our children, and give more importance to the emotional development and emotional quotient of all citizens.
Instead of telling people to move on, we must implore the importance of self-evaluation and help our clients to accept the past. Creating a mindset that helps us deal with all and any kind of emotional distress is what we must seek to achieve. It is important to see the silver lining in even our darkest clouds. Everything happens for a reason, even though we might not be able to see it. Simply giving up and thinking that you cannot live a better life is the worst thing to do to yourself. We must seek to thrive and not simply survive.
People today have realized the downfall of religion; it has divided us as humans, and we have forgotten the teachings and used this to harm one another. More and more people are turning towards spirituality and seeking the understanding of the metaphysical world. Holistic and alternative healing are no longer mumbo jumbo but actual sciences that have opened up a world of possibilities. We are also more aware of mental health problems as depression, social anxiety, and stress have affected a large part of the population, with many young people losing their lives to mental health issues. With the rise of social media, it is ironic how disconnected we have become from each other and ourselves. We spend hours trying to live a life on the internet while our soul crumbles away. What have we become? Soulless robots of the 21st century!
While this paper has discussed lifeforce and how trauma affects our well-being, it is also imperative to conclude that other reasons also take away our lifeforce. Most of us feel shallow, unsatisfied, and very unhappy with life. Sometimes we might not see reasons and blame ourselves. After research and careful study, I would like to conclude that it is the energy that vibrates from us that makes things happen in our life. We are forever giving out negative energy, and that is what we will receive. It is not dumb luck that makes people happy but our thoughts that make us who we are. ‘We are what we think.’
The universe is full of energy that we constantly feel. It can be our own, those around us, or the energies of people who have passed away. Energy has no end; it flows like a river, seamlessly and continuously. It is up to us to allow what energies we attract. Our aura also pulls people towards us. So if you are always finding yourself surrounded by negative people, it is because you attract them.
Those who suffer childhood trauma or have witnessed bad relationships at home are more likely to end up in dysfunctional relationships as adults. They can either be the victim or the tormentor. Toxic relationships have the worst effects on health, both physical and mental. They can cause depression, addictions, binge eating, low self-esteem, and self-mutilation. While it may not be easy to end a relationship, it is important to understand how much you are actually suffering.
Toxic people have a way of draining others of their lifeforce. It is how they feed themselves. Some people will always remain like that, no matter how much you try to help them. Sometimes it is better to walk away from a toxic person. Self-care is not selfish.
Even animals sense energies. Those with pets have known to say that their pets know when they are sad and try to cheer them up. They can also feel negativity and can get anxious about such people. As a dog owner myself, I have seen my pets reacting to different people differently. They can sense those with good intentions and those who want to harm.
Humans too can feel the energy vibrating from others if we pay attention. What is commonly called ‘vibes’ can be described as a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place. We may feel bad vibes from a person or a new place because of the negativity vibrating from them; similarly, a happy person makes others feel at ease. Just being close to them can make you feel happy and comfortable.
Energy healers use their positive energy to heal others and increase the lifeforce of their clients. Therefore, as metaphysical healers, we must be able to harvest positivity in ourselves so that we may help our clients better. Even if you, as a metaphysical healer, are not using energy healing but using other lifeforce techniques like yoga, meditation, etc., it is imperative that your own thoughts are positive. If you are uneasy, your clients will also feel uneasy around you, and the whole point of the session will be lost.
In conclusion, I would like to say that positive thinking is the key to regaining lifeforce energy and that anyone can be taught to retrieve their lost lifeforce. Happiness is how we feel about ourselves; it has nothing to do with how much we have or who we are. Life can be unfair, but sometimes it can be absolutely fantastic.
The small moments of joy are what we must hold on to rather than the bad things. Laughing with your friends and family, enjoying your favorite food, going on a vacation, or simply reading an amazing book—little things can give us so much joy if only we learn to appreciate these moments and stop reminiscing about what we have lost. Those who live a simpler life and spend their time helping others seem the most satisfied with life. They are not just healthy in their mindset but also enjoy good physical health. When we stress, which is so common in the big cities, our brain produces cortisol, which, in the right amounts, helps maintain energy. But when a person is forever under stress, cortisol levels rise and can cause anxiety, sleeping disorders, depression, weight gain, and heart problems.
Everyone gets depressed occasionally, but gloom should not be persistent in your life. If you feel this way, it is best to seek therapy. A flow of sad thoughts through your mind can be frustrating because you can’t be sure if depression is making you think negatively or if thinking negatively is making you depressed. So you get stuck in this vicious cycle that only keeps taking from your lifeforce.
Seeking treatment is the best option, and going to therapy is nothing to be ashamed of. True strength lies in realizing that you need help and taking the required steps to seek it. Although holistic healing and alternative methods may not replace traditional medicine, they can be a great way to reduce pain and help with the wholesome healing of the patient. Also, regularly practicing meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and positive thinking does wonders for your overall health and should be encouraged.
You can also explore more about life force by purchasing our book, available now on Amazon.