Unveiling the Silent Struggle: The Hidden Impact of Emotional Suppression on Mental Health.

mental health

Let’s delve into some common mental health problems that can stem from emotional suppression and negative thinking:

Anxiety: Irrational thoughts of nervousness, fear, worry, and self-doubt can generally be referred to as anxiety. While a little anxiety is normal and can occur from time to time, anxiety as a mental health issue can be crippling. Negative thoughts are magnified to the point where the sufferer can find it difficult to be in normal social situations. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.”

Phobia: An intense fear of a specific nature. When people bottle up intense emotions, it can manifest itself as aggressive fears, which are mostly irrational and can disrupt normal life.

Social anxiety disorder: This can range from stage fright, a fear of intimacy, and a fear of humiliation to extreme social stress. Communicating with others may become difficult, and sufferers tend to become recluses.

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder): Mostly seen in people who have suffered past traumas ranging from rape, accidents to being in combat. People with PTSD experience flashbacks of the traumatic event and often change behavior to avoid triggers. The fear of the trigger can cause extreme levels of stress and anxiety.

Depression: A mood disorder where individuals go through long spells of sadness and gloominess. It is difficult for them to form happy thoughts, and they can feel disconnected from the present. Depression is most likely to lead to substance abuse or self-mutilation. It is also a leading cause of suicide.

Nightmares and night terrors: Suppressed emotions can recur as nightmares, and sufferers often have other sleeping disorders. My thesis for my master’s was based on recurring nightmares and dream interpretation. The research for that paper makes me believe that many sleeping disorders stem from past trauma.

Addiction: Substance abuse is a common way for many people to deal with suppressed emotions. They use alcohol and drugs to numb their feelings and stop their thoughts. Addiction to sex, money, social media, gambling, etc., are various ways in which some people try to find comfort. Addiction is a serious problem that leads to psychological and behavioral changes and is a leading cause of many physical problems.

Anger management problems: People who have suppressed their feelings over a period of time often have bouts of really bad temper. They can be extremely moody, mean, and seem uncaring to their loved ones. Anger is a natural emotion, and we must learn to express it in a healthy manner before an explosion that can seriously damage our lives.

While all these problems can arise from emotional suppression, it is the lack of life force that makes these problems worse.

Once we try to examine the root cause of the emotion itself, we can free ourselves and take back our life

While emotional suppression can contribute to a range of mental health challenges, it’s crucial to recognize that healing is possible. By acknowledging and addressing the root causes of suppressed emotions, individuals can embark on a journey toward reclaiming their emotional well-being and vitality. Seeking support from mental health professionals, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, and fostering open communication can all contribute to breaking free from the cycle of emotional suppression and negative thinking.

Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a brighter, more fulfilling future ahead.

If you need assistance or guidance, feel free to contact us for help.

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