There are a lot of people who are looking for ways of reversing the anxiety and aging process. It is true that there are different theories and solutions available, but from the point of view of what I see, this is totally my idea. And it is up to you whether to take it or not.
What is the connection between ANXIETY and AGING in some way?
Let’s discuss,
Our FACE is an indicator of the STATE of our MIND
I understood that the anxiety we live within our lifetime gets stored in the body. You know, if you look at somebody’s face expression. And you can tell from the face expression, how much pain or grief is stored in their body. And you look at the face lines, and then you look at tired, exhausted, and spent eyes and a dry face.
Apart from that, I would like to mention that this is a feeling like it said faces are an index of the mind. As a result, the face is able to tell over a period of time what has been stored by it.
FACES show signs of ANXIETY
It is apparent from the face that this is a person who has lost quite a bit, and then experienced anxiety and anxiety over a period of whatever number of years he lived through.
Take a look at a person’s face now, who has one thing in his life, and then look at the way he is confident in what he knows and he is not ready to change his ideas or his thoughts, because he has one in his life. Read More!
When you look at his face, you will find that he has a certain rigidity to it, kind of like someone who thinks he knows everything, and he will have solid lines, you will see solid lines on his face.
Therefore, these kinds of impressions, which you have energetically in your thinking process. Whether they are ones that are related to losses or those that are related to achieving something, are very powerful.
All of those things can seen on your facial muscles as a result.  It is important that you release those energies, so that will release the energy of anxiety. So that you can relax your eyes and let the whole anxiety of your lifetime fade away. And then you will see that your eyes will become bright and shiny again.
Curiosity for life that brings that baby face to us
If you live with the simplicity of a child who doesn’t know anything, who is curious to know more. And then you see a baby face you know always like we’re still smiling and talk about the people.
You know whether they’re black, white, yellow, brown, or tan, small, rich, poor. How they’ve built their lives around us. It is that curiosity for life that brings that baby face to us.
Therefore, this is what I want you to highlight in today’s short description of anxiety and aging, i.e. How the two of them connected in some way. Read More!
Therefore, we will continue, thank you