Understanding Our Existence: Body and Spirit

Body and spirit connection

Understanding Our Existence: Body and Spirit

If we take a moment to reflect on our existence, we can see that we are made up of two important parts: spirit and body. Recognizing this can help us understand who we are on our spiritual path.

The Spirit: Invisible Energy

Our spirit is like energy. You can’t see it, but you can feel it in different ways, like warmth or light. The body, on the other hand, is something we can see and touch. When our spirit and body come together, the body comes alive and starts functioning. This combination gives each person unique qualities.

Different Ways of Working

Spirit and body work differently. Energy can be created or destroyed and can change into different forms. The body is created, has a limited lifespan, and eventually returns to the earth, where it can be transformed again.

You own your body; it doesn’t own you. The body is timed; it starts at one point and ends at another. This reality can cause stress and anxiety as we feel time slipping away. We often set goals for ourselves—this year, this month, today—hoping to achieve things to prove we exist. In our fast-paced world, this pressure has become even stronger, with many competing to achieve more, faster.

Finding Clarity

To help ease this pressure, try reducing your screen time. Just take one week to do this and see how it affects your thoughts and feelings. It can really help clear your mind.

The Physical and the Spiritual

Our physical world operates under certain rules, but remember, you are not just a physical being. Your true self is energy, and you have the power to create and shape the world around you. Everything is full of life, and it’s your spirit that keeps your body moving. The more you focus only on your body, the more stuck you might feel.


By recognizing the difference between spirit and body, we can better understand ourselves and our journey. Embrace the connection between these two parts of you, and appreciate the unique path you’re on.

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