Is anger one of the symptoms of depression?

GMB Listing Soul Body Healing Center

Anger and Depression

We all feel angry for a number of reasons, some reasons make sense some well don’t. Anger can be a good way to release negative emotions, but anything in excess usually spells disaster. Many people today face anger management problems because of a number of stressors- job, relationships, social media, road rage, substance abuse, and improper sleeping habits.

Anger can also be a substitute emotion


Anger can also be a substitute emotion. By this, we mean that sometimes people make themselves angry so that they don’t have to feel pain. People change their feelings of pain into anger because it feels better to be angry than it does to be in pain.
A person who may be described as “short-tempered”- He or she may “snap” at family or friends easily, small things tend to annoy them and frequent outbursts may be suffering from agitated depression. This most often happens after a depressive episode. The sufferer may have been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives.



  • Hair-pulling, nail-biting, self-mutilation
  • Fidgeting
  • Recurring thoughts- often about the past
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Difficulty sleeping

While it can be difficult to deal with such a person, it is important to remember that they are the victims of their own emotions. Most sufferers will turn to substance abuse, to numb some of their excessive feelings. This just makes everything worse. Guilt, remorse, social anxiety, and insomnia most likely follow the sufferer and makes them angrier at the world and themselves.

The first step is to identify the problem, accept the problem, and build the mindset to change.

Depressed not SAD


Several people today use social media to talk about how depressed they are. But depression is not merely grief; it is an illness that affects the mood regulation function of the brain. Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood.

Depression is caused by a combination of several problems such as; faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

A bad breakup, stress at work, family problems, and physical illness is a part of life, but we are equipped with a natural process to deal with these problems. People who suffer from depression, on the other hand, may lack the ability to deal with serious emotional problems and that may push them over the edge. Simply telling them to ‘move on’ or ‘get over it’ is not only not helpful but can seriously affect their recovery.

Researchers have identified genes that make individuals more vulnerable to low moods and influence how an individual responds to drug therapy. Although there exist certain anti-depressants that help regulate mood and create new neurons, each individual may react differently to these drugs. With the amount of research in this field, it may be in the near future that we have individualized treatment for depression.

Holistic and alternative healing

Holistic and alternative healing can help with managing depression. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help the brain perform regulation functions and improve moods. While positive thinking and therapy can help manage stress and grief.

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